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Private Company Management Liability

Directors and Officers of private companies can be held liable for their decisions made on behalf of the organization. Lawsuits can arise from various stakeholders including but not limited to: investors, employees, customers, lenders, and government agencies.

Management Liability policies have been designed to provide broad coverage which protects the Ds and Os for claims resulting from managerial decisions that have adverse financial consequences. Policies typically include coverage which is segregated for Directors’ & Officers’ liability claims, Employment Practices liability claims, and Fiduciary liability claims.

Download the Private Company Management Liability to learn more about the coverages that are typically included in Management Liability policies such as:

· Directors’ & Officers’ liability
· Employment Practices liability
· Fiduciary liability

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to Andrew J. Barker and Frances Weeks, our Directors’ & Officers’ Liability experts